My Hero Academia

Found: 165
Inspector J Vignette 6

The analysis of Inspector J continues in vignette six: Any assistance is welcome. You`re a police inspector and you`re working together with your playmate Mia about the event of a pupil from Canada known as Jeanne. Jeanne has discovered that her boyfriend is cheating with a gal named Eve and today she`s missing. To find out more you might choose to find and play former vignette of the game collection. Somehow you`ll learn that the mayor could be included in some part of the narrative. So what do you do today to solve this situation and to not liberate your tasks? Well, it`s tome for a few covert operation afterward! Additionally mayor`s helper is really sexy chick so pretending to be somebody else won`t just allow you to acquire more evidences but also flirt with this hot blond!

My Hero Academia
Found: 165